Meta Tags & SEO

The entire point of the search engines is to deliver all the information that users are searching for. One of the earliest methods to optimize a site so that it will highlight in the search results for definite keywords was to propose Meta data for search engines to crawl. Meta data is that data which is found on that page.  For example, a web page about the web hosting may mention the domain names, platforms, servers, site builders, supported languages, script installation software, databases, offer exceptional deals and technical support.  Meta data precises the page using language that is there so that the search engine by seo service spiders that  index this data have rapid synopsis of what is there. There is all types of data on a web page. To accommodate all of these types of data, all kinds of Meta tags are there to present all the data to the search engines. Moreover, there are some standardized Meta tags and proprietary Meta tags. 

Example Meta Tags

A Meta Tag usually in the form of following formats;

«  Meta Tag Format

«  Optimized IMG Tag Format

«  Standard IMG Tag Format

Meta Tag Format:

The type of tag defines it as a Meta tag. The name feature offers a distinctive field that defines what the data represents and classifies it. The content field characterizes the Meta data offered on that particular page for. 

<meta name="MetaTagName" content="Data specific to the name" />

Optimized IMG Tag Format:

However, this optimization Tag Format is questionable and does not work as estimated with the Meta tags format. 

<img alt="keyword rich description of image" src="/path/to/img.jpg" />

Standard IMG Tag Format:

Optimizing it by rephrasing it through the textual content through which a spider crawl in front, permitting them more fast access to here for more info

<img src="/path/to/img.jpg" alt="keyword rich description of image" />