SEO; what should we do When our site Traffic Hits Bottom


If Your SEO performance has hit bottom and you do not know the reason. Use these following tips for diagnosing the main issue so that you can begin the process of reconstructing organic search performances.


For Authority Issue: Check Webmaster Tools

Because of a small number of quick checks can exclude issues that can cause immediate drops in performance, start with the technical side.

Google webmaster tools offer a messages segment where they alert the web site owners to main transgressions or changes on their web sites. Google reports any penalties the web site may have get in the Manual Actions report. If you have the manual penalty, then stop searching the issue and begin fixing the problem specified in the report.

For Relevance Issue: Check Analytics

When reports of all of the webmaster tools look well, then check “Search Queries” report of Google to verify that the report of Google for your organic search traffic match the dismal performance decrease specified in your site analytics. If the reports vary, possibly there’s an issue with your web analytics not reporting traffic properly.

Once you’ve ruled out the technical issues, then the next step is to analyze the changes in relevance. Some Changes to the content on the web blog or web site can have a large impact on the organic search performance, containing the amount of the content, how it’s existing in the templates.

Algorithmic Issues

When Google has released a main algorithm update, then people will be talking about it. Firstly, Head to the and to read the newest news on algorithm updates. But if it’s not on the first page, then it’s perhaps not the cause of your distresses. So Next head to the Panguin Tool.